Checking in ...
Been kinda online absent trying to regulate these parp inhibitors ...messed up a few days ago and missed my nausea meds which sent me spiraling into a 3 day migraine/barfing fit of doing not much more then laying in the dark trying not to barf or have my head implode....which fortunately seems to maybe be over this morning .. in some ways these parps are almost harder then reg chemo ... its like being on day 3-4 chemo EVERY DAY no break no up time...just try to hold on and enjoy the ride until you hopefully acclimate to them and accept the "new norm" ...its been so long I don't remember what "feeling good" feels like... hard to be or feel happy when you feel like crap ...gonna make myself bawl if I keep typing and considering I just got rid of the migraine if I don't...I'm not giving up or falling apart ..I've come too far for that ...just venting.