
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Chemo Day 1: 12/31 Ending the year with a bang.

Still Steroided out steroid chemo lab, mostly new medical team...home town ... OHSU this time. Same old bad dream...Late stage 3C Ovarian cancer.  New twist ..... Reoccurrence. Not very encouraging.

They wear the hazmat suits here when they brining it all in and connect the chemo ...that just drives home what we are really doing. 

My nurse explaines to me, they wear them because if it gets on their skin it can burn right through, and as she doesn't have cancer....right. As she's pre hooking me up to pump this same dangerous poison INTO my body THROUGH my veins for the next few hours to kill the cancer trying to kill me I try to stare out the window and pretend I'm not thinking about dying while watch seagulls dip and dive...the steroids and premed  snow working their way into my bloodstream kind of give them tracers... My imagination lends them color.
We exchange small talk trying not to focus on what is and unintentionally I keep returning to the raw reality... Bucket lists what comes next ... Tears and I keep apologizing like. Some how I could have stopped this... I feel like I'm torturing them trying to hold on... So I could be here longer with them.

 Munkee gets to come with me now...and we had a private room service animal emotional support nurse kind burst into the room hazmated from head to toe holding my bag if toxins out from her .. Suprized him and his cute lil less then 5 lbs decided she was dangerous and NOT touching me jumped up stood across me with every intention of protecting "mommy" with every fiber of his long tubular wennie body ....for 5 seconds he was ALL Doberman ...secretly cute for me ... So much love for me in his little tiny body.... Not as cute for the nurse she didn't admit it but I'm pretty sure she tinkled in her pants some. He sounded like a very big vicious dog.

 After convincing him she was ok ...he laid in my lap soaking up the sun coming through the window a for the next few hours...a luxury we don't have in our studio...  I then listened to him, and my papa snoring out of tune with the clicking whirling of the chemo pumps...noise from the rest of the lab and the seagulls outside the window all conducting strange melody I've gotten too familiar with .. The trying not to die song. 

At least for the MOment they both knew peace.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Reality Check... One two one two

Thank you all that are sticking with me through this .. Second round with ovarian cancer we go ... again. 

Your support gives me strength and if nothing else ...may my battle give you knowledge so ovarian cancer will stop being known as the silent killer and some day maybe even curable. 

Dr appointment today to see if I've healed enough from surgery to start chemo... I'll update ASAP 

I'll start blogging more often soon... Documenting the battle helps me step back and observe so to speak 

However...for now the meds they sent me home on from surgery for this bad boy ...(filleted back open along the original scar chest to pelvis pulled tighter and then 8 other places in a square around my guts where biological mesh is sewn threw tacking it in place to hold my guts in. ...and 2 drain holes)

....have had me in and out of it sleeping 18/24... With some crazy ass stick to you dreams that seem SOOO real....I mean I'm an artist with a pretty vivid imagination but hairless/patchy translucent kittens ...too much!! 

These Meds got my brain all over the place... mad at people for things that never happened except in my dreams... 

Very emotional to begin with... Like my real reality isn't enough already.


This isn't about saving my life anymore... I'm dying... Cancer is killing me....unless some pretty awesome ish happens in the next 12-24 months... That may be all I have left. I am dying in the way I have always been most afraid of long slow painful... Maybe on some sub-level I was so afraid of it because I knew it was coming for me? Who knows...

Now ... Is about battling for some MOre time...another day with my granddaughter....Being able to be here long enough to see my grandson be born ....if I'm really lucky to see him walk. A few MOre days to smear paint on canvas... MOre time to snuggle my Munkee...spend time withy loved ones ...Make a few MOre meMOrays ...before I exit stage right. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Not a good look...micro growth.

Home from the hospital... Surgery went well ...3 hernias fixed...

Unfortunately more cancer found then seen on the catscan.

My pelvis is covered in a sheet of micro growths.

Not a good look for my long term life expectancy.

Round 2 chemo starts in a few weeks...not new news really...

Just more painfully real.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

It Begins Again ..Round 2 ..Cancer Returned

We've spent the last few months getting ready for major hernia surgery, as part of it last week we went in to pre surgical prep to make sure I was healthy enough for surgery.  I asked them to add a ca125 the blood work just to make sure before surgery, and I get a call the next day from my cancer team wanting me to come in for more tests... turns out the cancer has returned my ca125 came back 102... those of you who followed my battle round one you most likely remember healthy/in remission is under 30. 

March would have been 2 years in remission of my 5 year life expectancy.

Spent the weekend bawling my ass off....waiting.

Monday to confirm it I spent the day at the hospital doing tests, seeing Drs. had a full torso catscan and they found a new growth upper right side of my abdomen a little larger then a pea.

Tuesday I shut down laid in bed all day crying trying to accept my results and mentally prepare myself for what it to come.

Today I am still numb trying to wrap my brain around what is here and what may come of it....writing this "documenting"..distancing myself and "observing" the process seemed to help before ...and if not me maybe it will help others.

In light of this new cancer growth... plans change...expand the surgery on 12/9/2015 will be a tag team ordeal ...1st Dr will be removing the newly found cancer, the second Dr to mush everything back where it belongs... and apparently I may loose my belly button this time.

Similar to last time 3 weeks to heal and then another long painful dance with a different chemo cocktail ...FUN...not ..considering I'm still burnt and trying to recover from Round 1.

Round 2 .... My survival rate goes down greatly, length of life shorter...1st time I readied myself for death...accepted the probability.... While we all know it comes for us someday I don't want to die ...not any day soon.... and soon is right up in my face.

 Unlike last time I am in Portland this time, on the waterfront and will be getting treatment at OHSU, so local friends can be more involved in helping if you would like to.

As before I'm going to need love support help, at the same time space and understanding, and respect... I'm fighting for my life literally. 

Good news I've done this once already I know what to expect to a degree and we are prepping already ...bad(er) news I've done this already I know whats coming.

Like before I'll be blogging my story but this time it will be here and sharing links (via social media links there on the right side) If you would like to help by purchasing my work or making a donation links to ebay and paypal are there on the right side. I will not be using one of those donation sites as they take a large % of the donations unless someone knows of one that does not. You can also make donations in any Wells Fargo Bank to 

Account number:  1194008650

 For friends local email me if you have time/want to help/ and how you can and as it gets closer and as what help is needed is determined myself or someone helping will contact you. Thank you in advance and as always...


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sept 10 2015 Gonna take more then a bandaid to fix this

Dr appt. again today, this time with a gut guy.... 

Nothing like exposing yourself to a complete stranger so he can fondle your gut...or in my case .... my hernias...Bad ones. 

...already knew it ..been living with them for months to have the worst ..well second to the worst I guess...if worst was "inoperable" ...confirmed...then again there are much much worse scenarios ...So hernia's mine are called "Incisional hernias" unfortunately their too large and too complicated to correct Laparoscopically

Short n raw their going to cut me back open along the dotted line shove my guts back into place put/pull all my muscle tissue back together where they should be cut what needs to be cut sew back together what needs to be sewn and then slap in some mesh to hold all my ish in place which should give me a very small % that the hernia will come back.

4 days in the hospital and then similar 2-3 months recovery time like my cancer surgery...  Difference this time... I've already done this once so I know its going to suck elephant size gonads.. Might not change the bowel issues I have either ..that might be for life because of the chunk they had to cut out.   BUT at least there's no chemo/cancer following it either  ...focus on the positive.

Positive... When I recover I will be able to enjoy what I have etc maybe even. Meanwhile I have to find a way around/through the pain to work out and drop double digits so he's "got some extra room to maneuver"....might even get a lil tummy tuck bonus when its all said and done.

#NOTETOSELF: I NEED to stop letting the "can it seriously get any worse??" thought cycle have access to manifest ..this is enough. Embracing LIFE looking forward.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year no fireworks steroided to the gills

        "No...Not Again" 2015
       Ovarian  Cancer Round 2