So far ....the parp inhibitors are staying down...I feel like crap though...earlier after a sip I realized coffee doesn't taste like a good idea so I'm grumpy AF on top of it..working on a headache ...probably caffeine related since I had been making it a bit stronger .. not the spoon melting sludge I used to make but it wasn't tea anymore either ... so laying here trying to distract myself from the constant idea of hurling ... randomly skipping through youtube ....and then cue the waterworks. There are LAYERS of why this MOved me.
Made me think of all of you helping supporting me through what has almost been 5 years... from the always uplifting words to those physically in person, All truth ...I dont think I would still be here if it wasn't for you... I'm better with visuals then words, ....and I am so grateful I am still here to be able to create them awhile longer.. I have a bunch of pics I need to edit...worked a lot on some #artisthealthyself-ness this last week knowing from experience the chemo would knock me on my ass....and it has.
....soon as my stomach settles I'll smear some more of my soul on canvas... the easel calls to me like it used to... bit narcissistic since I'm painting myself for the Resistance show...but its also helping me heal some of the wounds you can't see... helping me take central focus off of cancer helping me reclaim my broken pieces and recreate what that #LIFE looks like for me.